Celebrating inclusion!

Image of the Ability Consultancy logo as a finalist

Celebrating the digital technology innovations that improve people’s lives is the theme of the Digital Leaders Impact Awards. Our third award ceremony this month, the Impact Conference & Awards were held at Media City in Manchester on the 22nd of March 2023.

Making an impact on Society

We were thrilled to join huge brands and well-known names across the sector, with finalists and winners, all delivering digital products or services for positive social impact. Take the #PeoplesChoiceAward for example, which was won by @crowdfunderuk, recognising the most popular of this year’s finalists with a public vote. Crowdfunders strapline is simply ‘Things that matter, powered by the crowd’ and what matters to us is promoting and building acceptance around disability and enabling inclusion. We want every disabled person to access education that is suitable for them to achieve in life, so that all students are given the opportunity to live, learn and earn.

Education Award

Extraordinarily, Ability Consultancy were finalists in the Education category, for our work in the Education sector. The Education Award recognises organisations, services or initiatives that leverage technology to transform both teaching and learning in schools, colleges and universities. Of course, we advocate that the best place to start to change the perceptions of diversity and disability is within future generations. The award nomination commended our Equality and Diversity Training services, both online and in-person training courses – with an unique and insightful focus on disability. Our courses, created by people with disabilities, are designed to make education establishments, their staff and children –  disability aware and ultimately more inclusive. To find out more about our affordable education services and how to make your school or college, legally and morally disability confident,  click here https://www.ability-consultancy.co.uk/portfolio-items/education/.

Our new Digital App

In addition, the award admired our new Xplore DisAbility Awareness App which helps put non-disabled people into the disabled world to gain a better understanding.  There are 3 versions – primary-age, secondary-age, and professional, with a teacher resource pack for those using the app within the education sector. The vision is that every disabled young person is embedded into schools that meet their needs and aspirations, with staff and peers including and understanding them.  The app increases knowledge and understanding, encouraging people to think about disability, leading to a more diverse, inclusive, and accessible society.  To find out more about the award nominated app, please visit www.xploredisability.co.uk.

The Award Nominees and Winners

A huge well done to Erase All Kittens, a fellow nominee for the award, who’s coding game prepares kids aged 8-12 for the future – teaching professional skills, whilst building up confidence and creativity. Find out more at https://eraseallkittens.com/

Genuinely too, a big well done to the eventual winners of the Education Award, Internet Matters, who  help empower Britain’s Parents and Teachers to make confident, informed choices about their children’s online safety.  Find out more at https://www.internetmatters.org/schools-esafety/digital-matters-online-learning-platform/.

To find out more about the Impact Awards, see https://www.impact-awards.co.uk/.








